About us
Who we are…
Founded in 2008, DB Integrations consists of an outstanding crew with a wide range of aircraft knowledge and more than 75 years of combined aviation experience. Our mission is to outfit pilots, avionics shops, aeronautical engineers, aircraft mechanics, and aviation companies with the tools they need to operate safely and effectively. DB Integrations is based at Allentown airport in Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania. We assist clients worldwide, as our products and expertise are able to cross borders as often as our clients’ aircraft.

What we do…
DB Integrations is a vertically integrated aerospace manufacturer with the capability to design, fabricate, test, and certify a wide range of aerospace hardware and tools – completely in house.

DBI produces thoughtfully laid out installation kits containing the required parts and instructions to fully install your system or hardware. Our kits are designed by engineers who have extensive hands-on aircraft experience, which
allows us to intelligently choose parts and assemblies with the goal of reducing the downtime of your aircraft.
DBI has developed Maintenance Interface Panels (MIPs) for multiple systems installed on aircraft. Geared mostly toward communication and Internet systems, these panels breakout just about every interface available to the specific avionics unit under test. Our panels come embedded with DBI’s proprietary Databoss software for ARINC 429 navigation injection used by antenna systems for pointing or other built-in applications. These panels are a perfect fit for labratory applications and can be custom tailered to nearly any system.

DBI combines the capabilities of a design firm and a manufacturing facility by offering personalized engineering support from the same facility as where our products are made. Our skilled team are able to turn an idea into a finished
and certified part quickly, efficiently, and in accordance with the most rigorous quality standards. No project is too big or too small.